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Morning Yoga for Beginners: Yoga Poses to Start your Day Feeling Happy

Yoga is a great way to start your day feeling refreshed. Practicing Yoga in the morning has been proven to make people feel happier and more relaxed throughout the day. In this article, I will share with you a tailored list of yoga poses that will help you feel happy from the moment you wake up! These poses work to improve your posture, increase range of motion, and release tension in the body. But first, let’s talk about a few general tips to improve your mornings and keep your body healthy.

1. Wake up at the same time every day

Research shows that people who wake up at the same time every day are more successful in their careers, have better relationships with others, and live longer lives compared to those who regularly change their bedtime routine.

Yoga practitioners have a lot of things to do. They need to get enough sleep, eat healthy and exercise on a daily basis. The only thing that may be more difficult than waking up at the same time every day is making sure it happens!

2. Drink a glass of water or herbal tea to hydrate yourself and wake up your body

Hydration is important for just about everything in life, but it's especially important when you're doing yoga. When you drink plenty of water or herbal tea (or any other liquid) before a workout, your body can perform at its best and be more resistant to injuries.

3. Practicing yoga on empty stomach

Yoga can have an effect on your appetite. Many people report feeling less hungry after a session, which could be due to the digestion of food being slowed down by stretching and breathing. Preferably yoga should be practised empty stomach or at least two hours after main mean, to make twists and breathing practices safe.

Yoga Asanas to Incorporate in your Morning Routine

1 .Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Marjaryasana-Bitilasana or Cat-Cow Pose massages and stimulates organs in the belly, like the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is known for relieving stress and creating emotional balance.

2. Paschimottasana (Seated forward bend)

Paschimottanasana is a Sanskrit word that is made up of three words: Paschima meaning West or back, Uttana meaning intense stretching, and Asana meaning pose. This asana calms the brain and helps relieve stress and depression and helps in bringing states of meditativeness. Additionally, it improves digestion and is also great for stretching, it stretches your spine, shoulders, and hamstrings.

3. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Performing Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend calms the mind and soothes the nerves thus reducing stress, anxiety, and fatigue. It relieves tension in the spine, neck, and back and activates the abdominal muscles.

Steps to do Uttanasana:

1.Stand up straight and bend forward, rotating your hip joints.

2.Keep your knees straight and place your palms on the floor or hold the back of your ankles.

3.Remain in this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute

4. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana or Mountain Pose is a standing pose that improves your posture and body awareness, strengthens your legs, and establishes proper alignment. It is also very beneficial for stretching of spine in order to correct posture.

5. Padahastasana (Standing Forward Pose)

Padahastasana or Standing Forward Pose is also known as Hand to Foot Pose. It is a part of the Surya Namaskar which is a harmonious set of 12 asanas. Padahastasana alleviates flatulence, constipation, and indigestion, and increases vitality. It massages the digestive organs and tones the spinal nerves.

6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing Dog Pose)

Downward-facing Dog Pose is an inversion asana, often practiced as a part of the Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun) which is a sequence of twelve gracefully linked asanas. It releases your hamstrings, calves, hips, lower and mid-back, and across your shoulder blades and chest.

7. Balasana (Child's Pose)

It is very relaxing because it relieves tension caused by daily movements by opening your hips and elongating your back. Balasana, also known as child’s pose, relieves lower back pain when performed with head and torso supported. Performing this asana gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. You can stay in Balasana anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

To learn these asanas from an expert teacher as you turbocharge your mornings, check out our schedule for live yoga classes now!

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